
Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Apricot Rum and Damson Vodka preserve...

My friend gave me a huge bag of apricots and I decided as we weren't going to be able to consume them before they went off that I would make some Apricot Rum preserve. I have a lot of Kilner jars that are the perfect container for storing the fruit once it's been processed but old Jam jars are just as good.



I needed to do something with the masses of damsons I was able to harvest from my tree this year so my friend suggested I make Damson Vodka.

I used Karen Burniston's Katie labels and just punched a hole for the string then tied the label to the jar.


To make the preserves you will need

4lbs of fruit

2lbs of sugar

1 litre of vodka/gin - cheap is fine


I halved and stoned the fruit before putting it in a large cooking pot with the alcohol, I then simmered it for 10 minutes before transferring it heat sterilised Kilner jars.


The damson vodka is perfect served with lemonade and ice. Hic...



Links to some of the products I used...



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